When nothing interesting is actually happening in life around, even the craziest or dullest things can becoming something worth writing about, even if it is just to pass time. So here I am! If this is really bugging, do pardon me - for I am feeling sluggish and bugged, and it wouldn't be long before I'm back to writing something else!
So off we went to a temple on my second day in Gujju land. And I did anything but pray there... everything around was different! First, the little boys who came to beat the temple drums. When I first entered, random little boys took up the chance of beating the drums. My interest near its peaks, I asked my mum if I could go do it too. Ah, well, of course not - it's just for those guys who're in the temple school. So I kept watching as they beautifully brought in newer rhythms throughout the arati. Oh, that reminds me, the arati was so long I got bored standing there. The craziest part was till around three days later, I had no clue which God the temple was dedicated to. A few days later, I ask mom and she says 'Didn't you notice the lingam in the sanctorium?' Damn me if I did... I was too busy looking around at people and temple walls, and of course, silently ridiculing the Gujarati script in my mind.
I've been eating awesome food off roadside stalls, things we would have never dreamed of in Chennai, mostly because we wouldn't trust the water they use. Here I have had pani puri, an extremely tasty and tangy soda made in a weird way, and of course, ice cream everyday.
Bargaining is so much fun here. I stand by and watch, as my mum deftly brings down the price of a kurta from Rs 350 to Rs 100 - the best part being that we finally didn't buy it :P I could almost hear the poor shopkeeper calling us 'behen' cursing!
A good source of entertainment here is the delightful 2-year-old kid living upstairs. We both can't understand what the other says, but the kid is so cute and has such beautiful eyes that I don't even mind it when she hits me ;) [God knows for what, but kids have their reasons!] This kid has taught me gujju for dog, cat and so on, and everytime she says anything in Gujarati, my mum and I frantically look through the 'Learn Gujarati in a month' book to know what she says. Gujju is such a tough and funny language - almost sounds like Chinese to me, because of it's innumerable hoons, chhos and choons. One word I know perfectly is no - naah!
Duh, life is such a bore now, with just three activities filling my day - eating, sleeping and internet. Sometimes going out, or taking a walk or jogging in the huge garden nearby. One 'party' yesterday seemed to promise fun - an office party for my dad. Well, it was fun in a way - looking at everybody's plastic smiles and polite masquerades as they sat and 'enjoyed' a singer's performance. I was the only one of my age there (I went just to give my mom some company! :P), and felt completely lost in the world of working men and their (bitching) wives, all politely smiling at one another and introducing themselves, and asking random questions to keep the conversation from crumbling apart. God, I hope I never have to attend such parties in my life - tough calling, considering the field I've opted to go into! I also realised yesterday that I have become such a talkative girl as I comfortably chatted with some lady - oh, she was poking fun of Chennai, and could I be silent without telling them what I really thought of Gujju land? :)
Sigh, that's all there is to in life now. No companions of my age, people at home who are either more bored than me or just too depressed to give me company, hot weather and an unknown language. It could be fun, but I miss Chennai! If only I could reverse time, go six months back in time, to my old house, to Chennai and to playing with my little nephew, who was all alive and bursting with joy! Oh well, there's a lot to learn from life - and to not think of the past is a huge lesson.
Finally, I finished a post after helluva lot of interruptions. I'm all smiles!!!!
28/06/06: Got drenched in Ahmedabad's summer's first rains. Played on the road with kids. Just stood still for minutes, wondering how nature could get this beautiful. Listened to the peacock nearby voice its happiness in its shrill tone. Bliss.
So off we went to a temple on my second day in Gujju land. And I did anything but pray there... everything around was different! First, the little boys who came to beat the temple drums. When I first entered, random little boys took up the chance of beating the drums. My interest near its peaks, I asked my mum if I could go do it too. Ah, well, of course not - it's just for those guys who're in the temple school. So I kept watching as they beautifully brought in newer rhythms throughout the arati. Oh, that reminds me, the arati was so long I got bored standing there. The craziest part was till around three days later, I had no clue which God the temple was dedicated to. A few days later, I ask mom and she says 'Didn't you notice the lingam in the sanctorium?' Damn me if I did... I was too busy looking around at people and temple walls, and of course, silently ridiculing the Gujarati script in my mind.
I've been eating awesome food off roadside stalls, things we would have never dreamed of in Chennai, mostly because we wouldn't trust the water they use. Here I have had pani puri, an extremely tasty and tangy soda made in a weird way, and of course, ice cream everyday.
Bargaining is so much fun here. I stand by and watch, as my mum deftly brings down the price of a kurta from Rs 350 to Rs 100 - the best part being that we finally didn't buy it :P I could almost hear the poor shopkeeper calling us 'behen' cursing!
A good source of entertainment here is the delightful 2-year-old kid living upstairs. We both can't understand what the other says, but the kid is so cute and has such beautiful eyes that I don't even mind it when she hits me ;) [God knows for what, but kids have their reasons!] This kid has taught me gujju for dog, cat and so on, and everytime she says anything in Gujarati, my mum and I frantically look through the 'Learn Gujarati in a month' book to know what she says. Gujju is such a tough and funny language - almost sounds like Chinese to me, because of it's innumerable hoons, chhos and choons. One word I know perfectly is no - naah!
Duh, life is such a bore now, with just three activities filling my day - eating, sleeping and internet. Sometimes going out, or taking a walk or jogging in the huge garden nearby. One 'party' yesterday seemed to promise fun - an office party for my dad. Well, it was fun in a way - looking at everybody's plastic smiles and polite masquerades as they sat and 'enjoyed' a singer's performance. I was the only one of my age there (I went just to give my mom some company! :P), and felt completely lost in the world of working men and their (bitching) wives, all politely smiling at one another and introducing themselves, and asking random questions to keep the conversation from crumbling apart. God, I hope I never have to attend such parties in my life - tough calling, considering the field I've opted to go into! I also realised yesterday that I have become such a talkative girl as I comfortably chatted with some lady - oh, she was poking fun of Chennai, and could I be silent without telling them what I really thought of Gujju land? :)
Sigh, that's all there is to in life now. No companions of my age, people at home who are either more bored than me or just too depressed to give me company, hot weather and an unknown language. It could be fun, but I miss Chennai! If only I could reverse time, go six months back in time, to my old house, to Chennai and to playing with my little nephew, who was all alive and bursting with joy! Oh well, there's a lot to learn from life - and to not think of the past is a huge lesson.
Finally, I finished a post after helluva lot of interruptions. I'm all smiles!!!!
28/06/06: Got drenched in Ahmedabad's summer's first rains. Played on the road with kids. Just stood still for minutes, wondering how nature could get this beautiful. Listened to the peacock nearby voice its happiness in its shrill tone. Bliss.